In Buddhism The Lotus Is Known To Be Associated With Purity, Spiritual Awakening and Faithfulness.
- The Ancient Egyptians Associated the Lotus Flower With The Sun Which Also Disappeared in The Night, Only To Re-Emerge In The Morning Giving It A Meaning Of Rebirth.
- For Hinduism The Lotus Flower Is Associated With Beauty, Fertility, Prosperity, Spirituality, and Eternity.
- Amazingly Carved Into Ornate 99.9% Pure Silver.
- Serenity Mantra Carved on the Inside of the Ring.
- Carry It Always On Your Finger.
- Perfect for both, men or women.
- A Unique And Rare Ring, Perfect For a Meaningful Gift.
- Authentic 999 Silver Ring - Pure Silver
- S999 Stamp on the inside of the ring.
- Weight: 7g
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